Editor's Letter

Publication year2021
CitationVol. 26 No. 5 Pg. 0005
No. Vol. 26 No. 5 Pg. 5
Georgia Bar Journal
April, 2021

The April Issue

I was reflecting on the last few years of my life recently when it struck me that I have been in my current job for five years this month. I love my job. I mean, really love it. I don't just say that because I know my supervisor will read this. I am constantly learning new things. I often feel like I actually get to help people. My coworkers are some of my favorite people on the planet. But before I began this job, I had begun to doubt there would ever be a time where I would find my place in the legal world. I started to second guess my decision to ever go to law school in the first place. Based on the large number of former lawyers and law school graduates working in other fields, and some lawyers I know whose job satisfaction is not what I'd call good, I have to think this kind of doubt is a pretty common feeling. It took a number of things lining up perfectly for me to land where I am: a run-in with my law school professor, Mary Radford (also high on the list of my favorite people on the planet, by the way), who happened to know of a job opening with Judge Wolk, who just gets me, in all of my goofy, oversharing awkwardness. Finding my happy place career-wise inspired in me the confidence to open many other doors as well, including this role as Editor-in-Chief of the Georgia Bar Journal. It really has been a kind of catalyst for more career milestones that all build upon each other. I hope that everyone who has experienced the kind of self-doubt that I experienced gets to land somewhere he or she feels a sense of belonging...

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