VentureSouth creates one of the first angel investment rolling funds.

Few angel investment funds in the Southeast help launch technology companies, according to Greenville-based VentureSouth. Even fewer are rolling funds open to public investors.

The Upstate angel investment group, now boasting more than 50 active portfolio companies from across the country, knew it was doing something unique when the organization unveiled Rolling South in late September.

"Rolling funds are a new way to make angel investments through a publicly-accessible subscription fund," Paul Clark, managing director of VentureSouth, said in a news release. "We are excited to be bringing this innovative model of angel investing to the Southeast and expanding the population that can join VentureSouth's mission to make money, have fun, do good."

Unlike traditional angel funds, which tend to rely only on investment group members, anyone can invest in RollingSouth through the Venture...

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