UTC working to increase visibility of STEM careers.

AuthorMadison, Rachel
PositionAround Utah - Utah Technology Council - Science, technology, engineering and math

Lehi--Close to two dozen UTAH TECHNOLOGY COUNCIL (UTC) members recently spoke to more than 850 school counselors at the 2013 Work-Based Learning Summer Conference, in conjunction with the Utah State Office of Education, about the vital role of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) careers.

"Some institutions are so focused on graduation success that they are eliminating the more difficult STEM subjects," says Mark Sunday, UTC vice chair and CIO of ORACLE. "It is vital that we turn this equation around."

Several other UTC members echoed similar sentiments. They expressed concern for their specific industries, citing a need for more people who can excel in STEM subjects because of Utah's growing technology industry.

"Utah's entire economy is driven by the strength of tech," says Joe Swenson, a UTC trustee and CEO of IMAGINE LEARNING. "The world has changed drastically, and it's not going back. The more emphasis we can put on STEM education, the better."

Because of these concerns, UTC organized a pilot program with Canyons and Alpine school districts to promote STEM careers. The program's first event was held Wednesday at IM FLASH TECHNOLOGIES in Lehi. Other company visits will be scheduled in the future.

A group of 75 high school...

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