Using redd to promote biodiversitysensitive forest fire management schemes

AuthorAlex Hoover
PositionJ.D. candidate, May 2010, at American University Washington College of Law
SPRING 2010 34
by Alex Hoover*
* Alex Hoover is a J.D. candidate, May 2010, at American University Washing-
ton College of Law.
Fire is an integral element of healthy forest ecosystems.1
Many plant and animal species naturally rely on f‌ire to
make room for new growth, encourage reproduction, and
provide vital nutrients.2 However, ov erly frequen t or intense
f‌ires can inhibit a forest ecosystem’s ability to rehabilitate,
impoverishing the ecosystem’s biodiversity.3 In many cases,
human activities disrupt natural f‌ire frequency or intensity.4
At an international level, there is an institutional awareness
of the nexus between forest f‌ire management and biodiversity.5
At a national level, however, f‌ire management schemes are frag-
mented, overly complex, or lacking specif‌icity, making it diff‌icult
to manage f‌ire responsibly.6 To bridge this gap, the international
community should use funding mechanisms like the United
Nations Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Deg-
radation Program (“REDD”) to encourage the implementation of
biodiversity-sensitive forest f‌ire management schemes. This arti-
cle provides a brief explanation of f‌ire’s role in maintaining forest
biodiversity and makes specif‌ic recommendations on how REDD
can encourage better forest f‌ire management.
Fire’s effect on forest biodiversity varies depending on
the type of forest, its intensity, and the frequency with which
f‌ires occur.7 Semi-regular, low -intensity f‌ires can have positive
impacts on biodiversity in all types of forests. In temperate for-
ests, many plant and animal species are dependent on regular
f‌ires of low intensity.8 Studies show that aggressive f‌ire suppres-
sion in North America caused a decline in grizzly bear popula-
tions, a result of fewer f‌ire-dependent, berry-producing shrubs
that support bear populations.9
In boreal forests, f‌ire is an important mechanism to clear bio-
mass from the forest f‌loor.10 A build-up of organic material due to
f‌ire suppression in boreal forests can prevent the melting of perma-
frost.11 As a result, the forest maintains a thick layer of permafrost
that impoverishes the soil and decreases productivity of plants.12
Tropical forests can also benef‌it from f‌ire.13 Some stud-
ies suggest that f‌ire in tropical forests can increase the size and
diversity of small animal populations.14 Similarly , certain tree
species in Southeast Asia exhibit f‌ire-resistant traits, such as
thick bark, an ability to heal f‌ire scars, and re-sprouting.15 The
presence of regular, low-intensity f‌ires during dry seasons can
promote these f‌ire-resistant traits and reduce the threat of larger
forest f‌ires in the long-term.16
On the other end of the scale, frequent or high-intensity f‌ires
are destructive across all forest types.17 A boreal forest’s ability
to regenerate after a forest f‌ire is limited by high intensity f‌ires.18
Severe f‌ires in Russia’s forests in 1998 destroyed the “ecological
function” of roughly 2 million hectares of forest.19
In tropical forests, areas subject to frequent f‌ires because
of human activity like logging are more vulnerable to f‌ires in
the fut ure.20 Recurring f‌ires can also reduce the size and den-
sity of surviving forest patches and can kill regenerating plant
species.21 The risk of forest f‌ires is exasperated by slow reha-
bilitation in tropical forests, where as long as seventy years are
necessary to recover from even moderately destructive f‌ires.22
To promote f‌ire management schemes that allow for natural
f‌ire cycles, the international community should encourage the
use of biodiversity-sensitive practices through REDD. Very gen-
erally, REDD is an effort to prevent the degradation of forests
as carbon sinks through national cooperation and f‌inancing.23
To achieve this goal, REDD provides f‌inancing to developing
nations in exchange for preservation of forests.24 In its “REDD
Plus” Program, the UN expands the scope of REDD to include
sustainable management, conservation, and forest enhance-
ment.25 As world leaders seek to expand REDD to play a more
active role in curbing global climate change,26 they should pri-
oritize maintaining biodiversity.
Current REDD projects in Brazil take into account biodi-
versity issues and brief‌ly address the need to properly manage
f‌ire.27 Within the context of the Amazon there are few benef‌its to
f‌ire, so a “no-burn” policy is appropriate. In f‌ire-dependent for-
est ecosystems, a more nuanced approach is necessary. If REDD
projects fail to adequately consider f‌ire’s role in main taining
biodiversity, they may incentivize the suppression of a forest’s
natural f‌ire cycle.28
To avoid the risk of perverse incentives, REDD Project
f‌inancing should promote biodiversity-sensitive f‌ire manage-
ment in member nations. Once proper management is in place,
payments for forest preservation could be timed in a manner
that recognizes the natural destruction and rehabilitation seen in
regular f‌ire cycles. Under such a system, a REDD Project would
avoid situations in which nations were penalized with reduced
funds because forests were allowed to naturally burn.
Too often, human activities such as f‌ire suppression and
land-use changes disrupt natural f‌ire cycles, causing a decline in
biodiversity. The international community should use f‌inancial
mechanisms such as REDD to promote biodiversity-sensitive
f‌ire management schemes.
Endnotes: Using REDD to Promote Biodiversity-Sensitive
Forest Fire Management Schemes continued on page 53

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