UPFRONT Quiz Show.

PositionQuiz: questions on US news and other topics - Brief Article

Use with articles throughout the issue. Divide the class into 2-4 teams. You may refer to the magazine during play. The teacher reads the statements below, which are answers to questions. In this game, modeled after the TV show Jeopardy, students must give their answers in the form of questions. Filter reading each statement, the teacher recognizes the first team to raise a hand. A correct answer is worth 10 points. For an incorrect answer, deduct 10 points and allow the other team (or if there are several teams, the team with the first hand raised) to respond. That team will also get 10 points for a correct answer or suffer a 10-point penalty for an incorrect one. Correct answers are in the Teacher's Edition, page 5.

  1. U.S. restaurant chain recently targeted by French protesters.

  2. Between 1996 and 2006, this career in health care will experience 411,000 new jobs.

  3. Governor who has revealed personal experience with prostitutes.

  4. The press ignored the fact that this popular U.S. President was confined to a wheelchair.

  5. Country where you'd find the Goree Island slave museum.

  6. After 32 years of dictatorship in this country, Laurent Kabila assumed power and promised democracy...

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