PositionBrief Article

Featuring Travel

I have often wondered why there is a lack of travel and tourism oriented features in your otherwise fine publication. Through Americas, I have been introduced to dancers, sculptors, painters, poets, and various other artists who hail from cities such as Montevideo, Bogota, San Salvador, and Sao Paulo. Yet, I have no better idea today what these cities look like or what attractions they hold than when I began subscribing to Americas in 1987. A suggestion for future issues would be to explore the very countryside, towns, and cities that have played a major role in influencing the artists of our hemisphere. By featuring reports, essays, and photographs that showcase the urban and natural attractions of our hemisphere, you would be providing a great service not only to your readers but also the many OAS member states that depend upon tourism as an important source of revenue.

John A. Mathews San Bruno, California

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