
See "Can Organic Farming Feed Us All?" May/June 2006, p. 18

Onward, Organics U.S. sales of organic products reached $24.6 billion in 2008, up 17 percent over 2007, according to the Organic Trade Association. Organic food now accounts for 3.5 percent of the nation's food sales, the group said.

See "Meltdown or Green Deal?" January/February 2009, p. 13

Growing Hunger The United Nations warns that the global financial crisis could add as many as 104 million people to the ranks of the hungry as a result of diminished trade and declining development aid, raising the total to 1 billion.

See "Capturing the Sun: The Future of China's Solar Power," July/August 2006, p. 10

Solar Revolution? China is on track to exceed its 2020 target for installed solar power capacity by five- to ten-fold, the government reported in May. Even so, the amount of solar capacity tied to China's grid remains minimal, at only 0.01 percent of installed capacity in 2008.

See "Malaria," May/June 2008, p. 26

DDT Death The United Nations plans to rid the world of DDT, a banned pesticide used to fight malaria-spreading mosquitoes, by 2020...

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