Universal Enterprise Adaptive Object Model: A Semantic Web‐Based Implementation of Organizational Self‐Awareness

Published date01 January 2015
AuthorDavid Aveiro,Duarte Pinto
Date01 January 2015
Exact Sciences and Engineering Centre, University of Madeira, Caminho da Penteada, Funchal, Portugal
Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute, Caminho da Penteada, Funchal, Portugal
Center for Organizational Design and Engineering, INESC-INOV, Lisbon, Portugal
In this paper we present a novel conceptual model that systematizes the integrated management and adaptation of:
(1) enterprise models, (2) their representations, (3) their underlying meta-models (i.e. their abstract syntax) and
(4) the representation rules (i.e. concrete syntax for the respective models). All this for different modelling
languages and also different versions of these languages. Thanks to our original use of the adaptive object model
and type square patternsnormally applied in the context of software engineering, but here applied for enterprise
engineeringwe manage to provide a strong conceptual foundation for the development of software tools that
allow a precise and coherent specication of models and their evolution and also of meta-models and their evolu-
tion. We also present a prototype of such a tool currently being developed to enable collaborative enterprise
ontology model management using the Semantic MediaWiki as a base framework. This solution is solidly
grounded on the theoretical foundations of organizational self-awareness and Ψ-theory of enterprise ontology
and is a valuable contribution to facilitate general and distributed enterprise model management and also concrete
and abstract syntax specication (i.e. the specication of a languages meta-model). This allows exibility and ease
of use in creation and adaptation of organizational models and also the use of semantic queries to detect and inform
users on any violation of meta-model rules. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Keywords: enterprise engineering; model; meta-model; abstract syntax; concrete syntax; adaptive object model;
type square; wiki; Semantic Web; DEMO
A considerable amount of time is lost in enterprises on the handling of unexpected exceptions causing
dysfunctions. Exception handling can sometimes take nearly half of the total working time, and the
handling of, and recovering from, exceptions is expensive (Saastamoinen & White, 1995). On the other
hand, current enterprise engineering (EE) approaches lack the concepts and methods for a continuous
update of organizational models, so that these are always up to date and availableas a more useful input
for the process of constant change of organizational reality and decisions on possible modication
choices. It seems that the root problem is an absence of concepts and methods for the explicit capture
and management of information of exceptions and their handling. This includes the design and
operationalization of organization artefacts (OAs)for example, actor role pizza delivererthat solve
dysfunctions caused. Not immediately capturing this handling and the consequent resulting
* Correspondence to: David Aveiro, Exact Sciences and Engineering Centre, University of Madeira, Caminho da Penteada,
Funchal, Portugal. E-mail: daveiro@uma.pt
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Intell. Sys. Acc. Fin. Mgmt. 22,328(2015)
Published online 9 February 2015 in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com) DOI: 10.1002/isaf.1363
modications in reality and the respective models will result in that, as time passes, the organization
will be less aware of itself than it should be when facing the need of future change due to other unex-
pected exceptions.
The lack of awareness of organizational reality has been addressed with the coining of the concept of
organizational self-awareness(OSA), discussed in Magalhaes et al. (2007) and Zacarias et al. (2007).
OSA stresses the importance and need of continuously available, coherent, updated and updateable
models of organizational reality. We ground our research in a particular organizational engineering ap-
proach, namely Design and Engineering Methodology for Organizations (DEMO; Dietz, 2006). Our
research is heavily based on DEMO, so, while proceeding, the reader who is unfamiliar with this meth-
odology is advised to also consult Dietz (2006) or Dietz and Albani (2005) or other publications at
www.demo.nl. From several approaches to support EE being proposed, DEMO seems to be one of
the most coherent, comprehensive, consistent and concise (Dietz, 2006). It has shown to be useful in
a number of applications, from small to large-scale organizationsfor example, see Dietz and Albani
(2005) and Opt Land (2008: 39). Nevertheless, DEMO suffers from the shortcomings referred to ear-
lier and also present in most modelling languages and associated methods. Namely, DEMO models
have mostly been used to devise blueprints to serve as instruments for discussion of broader scale or-
ganizational change or development/change of IT systems (Opt Land, 2008: 58) and do not, yet, pro-
vide modelling constructs and a method for a continuous update of its models as reality changes.
Current software tools supporting DEMO also suffer from the same shortcoming.
With our research work we aim to facilitate distributed awareness of organizational reality and also
coordinated distributed change of models of the enterprises reality using adequate methods and soft-
ware tools as a support. Besides the problem of collective model distribution and update we also face
the problem of meta-model evolution (new versions of modelling languages) and model migration. To
address these problems, in our tool development efforts a necessity arose of allowing a precise way of
conceptualizing and implementing the separation of the following three concerns: (1) reality;
(2) models of reality; and (3) their representations. Besides this, such conceptualization should also
provide adequate exibility for model and meta-model evolution. In Section 2 we explore current
state-of-the-art notions of central concepts in our research such as ontology, system, model, meta-
model, abstract and concrete syntax and others. We also do a brief analysis of state-of-the-art tools that
support the organizational engineering method we focus on. Section 3 includes the major contribution
of our work: a thorough and powerful conceptualization that integrates all modelling aspects referred
to above. In Section 4 we present our current software tool prototype that supports our conceptualiza-
tion and method to support OSA. Section 5 contains our nal considerations and aspects to be ex-
plored in future work.
2.1. Ontological Notions
We adopt the ontological system denition from Dietz (2008) (citing Bunge, 1979), which concerns the
construction and operation of a system. The corresponding type of model is the white-box model,
which is a direct conceptualization of the ontological system denition presented next. Something is
a system if and only if it has the following properties: (1) compositiona set of elements of some cat-
egory (physical, biological, social, chemical, etc.); (2) environmenta set of elements of the same cat-
egory, where the composition and the environment are disjoint; (3) structurea set of inuencing
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Intell. Sys. Acc. Fin. Mgmt., 22,328 (2015)
DOI: 10.1002/isaf

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