Undiagnosed Health Problems Can Affect Care.

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Patients referred to periodontists often are unaware they have undiagnosed and uncontrolled health problems, some of which can affect their oral health and dental treatment, according to a University of Missouri at Kansas City study. It compared self-reported medical histories from 39 patients with moderate to advanced periodontal disease to laboratory data obtained when they were referred to a hospital for a urinalysis, complete blood count, and standard blood chemistry panel.

While no patients in the study reported having diabetes, 15% tested positive for the disease. In addition, while just five percent of participants reported a history of abnormal cholesterol, 56% tested positive for exceptionally high values, putting them at greater risk for strokes and heart attacks.

"These and other underreported conditions found in the study are alarming because it's important for patients to know what diseases they have or are at high risk for so that they can take steps to control the diseases," emphasizes its lead researcher, Kelly Thompson.

For instance, a two-way relationship between...

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