U.S. Postal Service Statement of Ownership, Management and Circulation (required by 39 U.S.C. 3685).

  1. Publication title: Defense Counsel Journal. 2. Publication number: 0895-0016. 3. Filing date: October 1, 1998.4. Issue frequency: Quarterly (January, April, July, October). 5. Number of issues published annually: four. 6. Annual subscription price: $65.00. 7. Complete mailing address: One North Franklin, Suite 2400, Chicago, IL 60606. Contact person: Richard B. Allen. Telephone 312/368-1494. 8. Complete mailing address of headquarters or general business office of publisher (not printer): Same as above.

  2. Publisher: International Association of Defense Counsel, One North Franklin, Suite 2400, Chicago, IL 60606. Editor: Richard L. Neumeier, Suite 1000, 11 Beacon Street, Boston, MA 02108. Managing Editor: Richard B. Allen, One North Franklin, Suite 2400, Chicago, IL 60606.

  3. Owner: International Association of Defense Counsel, One North Franklin, Suite 2400, Chicago, IL 60606. 11. Known bondholders: None. 12. Tax status: The purpose, function, and nonprofit status of this organization and the exempt status for federal income tax purposes has not changed during the preceding 12 months.

  4. Publication title: Defense Counsel Journal. 14. Issue date of circulation data below: July 1999.

  5. Nature and extent of circulation:

    (a) Total number of copies (net press run): average number of copies each issue during preceding 12 months: 4,147; actual number of copies of single issue published nearest to filing date: 4,100.

    (b)(1) Paid/requested outside county mail subscriptions stated on Form 3541: average 12 months 3,157; actual nearest filing date 3,162.

    (b)(2) Paid in-county subscriptions: 48.

    (b)(3) Sales through dealers and carriers, street vendors, counter sales, and other non-USPS paid distribution: None.

    (b)(4) Other classes mailed through the USPS: None.

    (c) Total paid and/or...

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