Try the Burst Method of Decluttering.

Is there a particular area of your home that you simply ignore because it is so cluttered and you have no idea where to begin? It might be a closet, a storage area, cabinet, or some drawers you dread thinking about because it has been that way for a while and it makes you feel guilty. You keep putting it off until "someday" because it is just easier than taking the time to deal with ft.

It is frustrating, though, and it is beginning to stress you out. No matter what you do, when you walk by that area you start thinking about it.

"Clutter simply is a series of postponed decisions. How much longer will you postpone the decision to clear not only the physical clutter, but also the mental clutter that is causing you stress?" says Rita Wilkins, interior and lifestyle design specialist.

If today is the day you finally will tackle that mess, here is Wilkins' favorite (and most effective) way of decluttering--the Burst Method. It is a highly intentional and concentrated time period that helps you focus, not...

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