Industry and business-model disruption, changing global conditions, and cybersecurity threats top the list of concerns of 587 corporate directors representing 520 public companies, according to the annual Public Company Governance Survey by the National Association of Corporate Directors, Washington, D.C.

Asked which five trends they foresee having the greatest effect on their companies in 2018, 58% identified significant industry change, pointing to technology disruption, industry consolidation, and shifting regulations as key drivers of this change. Business model disruption (46%), changing global economic conditions (45%), cybersecurity threats (38%), and competition for increasingly scarce talent (36%) also ranked high.

Notably, one concern decreased significantly from last year, perhaps in light of the Trump Administration's focus on repealing or softening Federal regulations. Respondents' concerns about the impact of the regulatory burden dropped from 58% to 29%.

In addition to citing cybersecurity threats as a...

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