In 1903, North Carolina gained the recognition of being first in flight after the Wright brothers' successful takeoff. North Carolina remains an influential transportation hub, housing one of the nation's busiest airports, fast-growing trucker Old Dominion Freight Line and an expanding aerospace manufacturing sector.


executive director | Piedmont Triad Airport Authority


The Lehigh University engineering graduate has led the Piedmont Triad Airport Authority since 2009. Employment at the airport has expanded to more than 9,000 in his tenure, many working on building and maintaining aircraft. Denver-based Boom Supersonic plans a major assembly plant at the site.

Pre-workday motivation: The Two Guys Named Chris' radio show and thinking about how to bring new jobs to the airport.

Key to industry success: Being prepared when companies come looking. Have sites that are the right size that can be available at the right time and at the right cost.

Best advice: "Adversity and failure build character." from the CEO of one of my former employers. And from Nido Qubein: "You cannot control the end quantity, quality or cost of the product the airport provides (air service), but you will be blamed for all three."

Proud family accomplishment: I have an amazing family. I have an incredible wife of 27 years and two young adult children who are just remarkable human beings. I'm a fortunate guy.

Favorite hobby: My family, traveling and home projects.

Where to entertain a visitor: The

Greensboro Science Center.


executive director | North Carolina Ports Authority


The U.S. Merchant Marine Academy graduate joined the state system in 2020 and succeeded Paul Cozza in January 2021. He previously was a senior manager at ports in Port Elizabeth, N.J., and Mobile, Ala., and worked for APM Terminals and Sea Land Services.


president | HAECO Americas


The former executive at American Airlines and GE Aviation joined the Hong Kong-based aircraft maintenance company in 2018. HAECO shifted to a weekdays-only work policy, helping attract employees during the pandemic. He has a bachelor's degree from Rochester Institute of Technology.


president, CEO | Best Logistics Croup


The UNC Chapel Hill graduate became CEO in 2016 and oversees 400 trucks,!,500 trailers and more than 500 employees. He has worked at Best for more than 25 years.

Pre-workday motivation: The opportunity to be entrepreneurial in decisions that affect our businesses.

Key to industry...

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