Toys to share: making the most of recreational living.

AuthorKing, Heather L.

IN RECENT YEARS, THE IDEA OF BUYING a timeshare in many luxury items has come of age. Beyond the condo concept, timeshares have branched out into jets, houseboats, and now even recreational equipment. The concept is simple--take an expensive or little-used item, share the cost between a number of people and use the item during pre-arranged times. It's an idea that is gaining ground daily. Although not yet as popular in Utah, jet sharing programs have popped up across the country. At Lake Powell, shared ownership houseboats are all the rage. And along the Wasatch Front, a twist on the concept is emerging.


Toyshare International specializes in timeshares for recreational equipment--including ski boats, RVs, wave runners, snowmobiles and ATVs. The company began operations in February of 2005 and is owned by Chad Bawden, Adrian Harvey and Mitch Cohen.

Cohen says the time has come for this type of company. "Fractional ownership is booming right now and this model just makes sense for people." The company's motto. "Better than owning, cheaper than renting," briefly explains the benefits of opting into a time-share situation. Toyshare uses a country club model in which people buy a membership that gives them an allotment of points to be used as credit toward time on the toys.

The idea of timesharing toys appears to be a hit with Toyshare's target market. While nearly all of its clients could afford to purchase their own recreational equipment, the hassles of insurance, storage, depreciation and maintenance outweigh the benefits of out-right ownership.

In addition to saving recreational enthusiasts both time and money, Cohen feels Toyshare allows families "exposure to things they might not experience if they just owned one item, for example. If they just want to try snowmobiles, the cost of entry is prohibitive in the traditional sense." The Toyshare model allows access to all of the equipment. It's also a viable option for those who may own one or two ATVs or wave runners but want the entire family of four or five to each have their own equipment some weekends.

When using Toyshare's toys, members can pick up their item at 4 p.m. the day before they plan to use it and return it the day after it has been used--all for the 24-hour cost. Cohen explains that this service is just one part of Toyshare's dedication to customer satisfaction. "We want to emphasize customer care. If it isn't convenient, no one will use it, so we do...

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