Top 10 offenders: holiday treats to avoid.

AuthorBoucher, Lisa

FINGER FOODS: Just because it's small and you can pick it up with your fingers doesn't mean the calories are small. Those finger food calories add up fast.


EGGNOG: A sweet evil that has up to 350 calories per cup and loads of fat.


COCKTAILS: Don't drink your calories. Alcoholic beverages, especially "specialty drinks" are brimming with empty calories.

GRAVY: Just one-half cup can have more than 200 calories.


HAM: Have a tiny slice, remembering that the sodium is sky high.


STUFFING: This Thanksgiving delight adds an extra 400 calories per one-half cup to your plate.



CANDIED YAMS: Too much sugar. Opt for a baked sweet potato instead.


MASHED POTATSES: No matter how you prepare this sinful dish, they all add up to an unhealthy option! Baked...

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