Titanic Sinks!(the New York Times was the first with the story of the sinking of the Titanic) (Brief Article)

The New York Times told the story of the Titanic first; its bold coverage of the disaster was a major journalistic achievement. Convinced that the ship was unsinkable, other newspapers waited before reporting the horrible news.


Other newspapers treated the first report of the Titanic's sinking as rumor. But Times managing editor Carr Van Anda deduced that the Titanic had sunk when two hours went by without telegraph messages from the ship. The next day The Times published a short article on page 1. The day after, this full coverage appeared.


Unlike today's Times, which carries bylines on nearly all its articles, the major stories on this page had no writers' names. Very few Times articles carried bylines then--the newspaper worried that naming reporters would turn them into commentators. A rival paper, The Morning Sun, emphasized the adventures of its big-name staff.


Jack Dawson, the Leonardo DiCaprio character in the recent blockbuster movie Titanic, did not exist in real life. There was a...

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