'Tis the season (for testing).

AuthorZack, Ian

Dear Teachers,

No matter what your views on standardized testing, it's a reality that you and your students most likely deal with every spring. In coming weeks, high school students all over the nation will be taking the PARCC assessments, Smarter Balanced assessments, and various rigorous state-specific tests. Hundreds of thousands of them will also sit for college entrance exams, including the ACT and the newly revamped SAT (the first administration date for the overhauled test was last month). As different as these exams all are, most do have a few things in common. Here's a look at some shared characteristics--and how using Upfront regularly can help your students be ready:

* These tests require students to tackle complex reading passages on topics in social studies and science. Use Upfront's compelling high-level articles--like this issue's "Two Sisters, Two Americas" or "Apple vs. the F.B.I."--to build skills and stamina for reading tough texts.

* Today's standardized tests require students to...

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