Tips for choosing the right cruise ship.

There currently are 35 cruise lines setting sail for destinations around the globe, offering hundreds of itineraries to the Caribbean, Alaska, Europe, Asia. Africa, and Antarctica. With 16 new ships expected to enter the market over the next two years. consumers are discovering that pinpointing their ideal cruise can be a daunting task. Choosing a luxury cruise can be even more confusing. With more than 10 luxury ships from which to choose--from the Crystal Symphony and a Seabourn Legend to the QE2--guidance is essential to ensure a memorable cruise vacation.

API Travel Consultants. Ft. Worth, Tex., a network of travel counselors who sell more than $200,000,000 in luxury cruising each year, offers these tips to first-time or novice cruisers:

* Do a lifestyle check before you decide, since certain lines attract people with specific travel styles and interests. Do you want to meet and mingle with new acquaintances or would you prefer an intimate environment? Are you content with lounging in a deck chair reading a novel or would you rather be exploring new sights or listening to an educational lecture series? Do you prefer to dress in black tie or is casual dress more your style? Do you like vacations that have planned activities or are you a spur-of-the-moment traveler? Is first-rate cuisine important to...

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