Tidbits & Outrages.

PositionBrief Article

That's not the kind of job I was calling about

An 800 number listed in the Code of Federal Regulations as a hotline for draft status checks is in fact a phone sex line.

War is Peace, Black is White ...

The ad firm Porter Novelli has created a slogan for the National Shooting Sports Foundation. To be shown against the backdrop of a shotgun, the slogan runs: "The very fact that it can be dangerous is what makes it safe."

Catching them "Red-Necked"

A 13-year-old boy and his 11-year-old girlfriend were charged with assault after a hickey was round on the girls neck. "It's unwanted touching," said the arresting officer.

Another Client for Porter Novelli

The Asian Wall Street Journal reported in April that a Muslim organization in Jakarta, Indonesia, has decided to establish a formal recruiting and registration office for suicide bombers, complete with brochures and promises of training. "We got 600 applicants in two days," said the office director.

Next: Field Trips to the Mall

Children are being given the. opportunity in numerous schools to participate in taste tests on cereals and focus...

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