Tidbits & Outrages.

Found in a Nantucket newspaper...


Classically Trained


Experienced 228-4523

The Pentagon paid right away

Hundreds of Montana Power bills had misprints in September, including that of a couple whose electricity was $50 billion. The charge should have been $35.95.

The mother-in-law is appealing the decision

The Arkansas Supreme Court tossed out the DUI conviction of Michael Norris because police had administered a field sobriety test in his bedroom. Police were let into the house by Norris` mother-in-law.

The Case for Social Darwinism

In a June issue of the New England Journal of Medicine, doctors affirmed that decapitated rattlesnake heads are still capable of injecting venom and that research shows that young men, "particularly while intoxicated," disproportionately receive such bites.

Our Governor can take your Transportation Minister

The United States and Canada recently squared off aggressively over a dispute about rights to the popular walleye fish that roam rivers and lakes...

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