This Year Certainly Wil Be Different.


With the COVID-19 pandemic and the accompanying economic crisis, our cherished holiday traditions will be vastly different this year. Extended families will think twice before gathering; travel will be risky; and shopping will be changed largely by the absence of many familiar retailers and tightened purse strings.

A survey by Morning Consult found 71% of Americans indicate their holiday traditions will change; 47% of families say they will cancel holiday get-togethers. Almost half say they will shift from in-person celebrations to virtual.

"Responsible family members will determine who in the family is vulnerable--older folks, those with preexisting conditions--and decide if a trip to see those people is a good idea," says Yan Wang, professor of psychology at Endicott College, Beverly, Mass.

"On the other hand, if your loved ones are local and your area has a minimal level of COVID positivity, and especially if the same folks have been in your orbit lately, you may feel it's okay to visit, though still at safe distances.

"Those in warmer climates will find it easier because they can gather outdoors. In general, we need to be highly creative in finding new ways to stay emotionally connected with our extended families and to develop shared experiences through letters, Zoom, FaceTime, or other tools."

Nancy Meedzan, dean of the School of Nursing, advises families planning to gather to follow the Centers for Disease and Control and Prevention guidelines. If possible, all family members should be tested directly before events. That is one way of minimizing transmission. PCR tests are recommended over the rapid tests that are more likely to deliver false negatives. Limiting exposure to others before travel is another idea to enhance the safety factor.

In terms of transportation, travel increases your chances of getting and spreading COVID-19. Meedzan recommends checking state, territorial, tribal, and local public health websites for information before you travel. Although jets are fairly safe due to the air circulation as long as passengers are socially distanced and wearing masks, plane terminals are high-risk areas, as they can bring you in close contact with others and frequently touched surfaces.

Depending on where you live, trains may be safe, especially if you can travel...

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