Theories and theorizing in public administration: A systematic review
Published date | 01 November 2023 |
Author | Fabian Hattke,Rick Vogel |
Date | 01 November 2023 |
DOI | |
Theories and theorizing in public administration:
A systematic review
Fabian Hattke
| Rick Vogel
Department of Government, University of
Bergen, Bergen, Norway
Department of Socioeconomics, Universität
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Rick Vogel, Department of Socioeconomics,
Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany.
Fabian Hattke, Department of Government,
University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway.
Theories and theorizing are central to scholarship on public administration (PA). Only
a few attempts have been made to review the theories applied in PA broadly and
systematically, to take stock of the theoretical repertoire, and to engage scholars in
critical reflection on how they “do”theorizing. This study analyzes the theoretical
landscape of PA scholarship with a novel combination of bibliometrics and natural
language processing. A “tree of theories”shows how 150 theories merge into one
body of scholarship, with 15 theories at the core. The theories vary considerably in
terms of disciplinary background, methodological choices, geographical settings,
author diversity, and reach beyond academia. While the results indicate the plurality
and vitality of the field, they also raise concerns about how core theories show lim-
ited geographical dispersion and low societal relevance. These concerns are further
fueled by an apparent schism between micro and macrotheories.
Evidence for Practice
•Consider theories as important tools for public administration scholars, not only
in advancing research but also in giving practical advice.
•Do not shy away from theory-driven, method-heavy research articles because
they often present more practical implications than articles that demonstrate
less use of methods.
•Note that the most central theories are primarily informed by evidence from the
Western world, which means that the practical implications may not be general-
izable to other settings.
•Expect theory-driven articles with evidence from non-Western contexts to be
particularly relevant to social and ecological challenges.
•Do not expect practical and societal relevance to be a perfect fit: The more rele-
vant a theory is in practical terms, the less it is relevant for broader social issues
and vice versa.
The important role of theory and theory-building for public
administration (PA) scholarship and practice has frequently
and prominently been acknowledged (e.g., Emerson, 2022;
Frederickson et al., 2015;Riccucci,2010). Theories in this
field describe the many faces of PA, help to explain and
understand it as a real-life phenomenon, and could allow
for predictions of what is likely to happen under which
conditions (Frederickson et al., 2015). These qualities of
good theories make them useful not only in scholarly con-
versations but also in practical advice that scholars give to
public managers and policy makers. Even in a field as
applied as PA, theories are an asset rather than a liability
because, in the best case, they produce reliable knowledge
for an otherwise uncertain and overcomplex world. PA is,
therefore, well suited to prove the famous dictum that
nothing is as practical as a good theory (Lewin, 1943).
In contrast to the broad acknowledgment of theory-
building as an engine of scholarly progress and practical
Received: 15 February 2023 Revised: 22 September 2023 Accepted: 26 September 2023
DOI: 10.1111/puar.13730
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.
© 2023 The Authors. Public Administration Review published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of American Society for Public Administration.
1542 Public Admin Rev. 2023;83:1542–1563.
advice, few attempts have been made to review the theo-
ries that PA scholars apply in their research. Several contri-
butions track the evolution of the field or its subfields, but
their focus is on influential authors, substantive t opics, or
research methods, rather than on theories (e.g., Bingham &
Bowen, 1994; Dunsire, 1999; Miller & Jaja, 2005). Such
reviews often have an additional focus on particular jour-
nals (e.g., Bingham & Bowen, 1994), geographic regions
(e.g., Rhodes, 1991), or text genres (e.g., Miller & Jaja, 2005).
Some books or book chapters focus more decisively on the-
ories but present only a subset of them, such as organiza-
tional PA theories (Christensen, 2022;Harmon&
Mayer, 1986). A closer approximation of the theoretical rep-
ertoire of PA is achieved by collections of seminal contribu-
tions to the field because those editions and volumes
include a range of articles that have paved the way for the-
oretical traditions (Lodge et al., 2016;Shafritz&Hyde,2017).
However, not all “classics”of PA are associated with a the-
ory that has emerged from them, nor can every theory be
traced to a particular and singular work. Therefore, readers
in search of an overview and systematization of PA theories
are left with only a few textbooks (e.g., Frederickson
et al., 2015;Sharmaetal.,2010) and review articles
(e.g., Thornhill & van Dijk, 2010; van der Waldt, 2017). The
authors of these publications themselves acknowledge that
the collections they present are highly selective, as they
focus on only a few theories they consider to be particularly
important, influential, or promising. Accordingly, they
reflect the authors’idiosyncratic accounts of the field and
dramatically fall short of “the myriad important theories in
use or under study”(Emerson, 2022,p.3).
Besides their scope, the available reviews of theories
in PA have additional limitations that result from their
top-down approach. The authors of such reviews not only
make top-down choices on which theories to include in
the first place; they also decide on how to group them
into families or traditions (van der Waldt, 2017). However,
presenting theories separately and arranging them in a
well-ordered structure conveys a tidy, yet distorted, pic-
ture of the field because theoretical development has
never been as straightforward, nor have theories ever
been as clear-cut as such order would suggest. Emphasiz-
ing differences while neglecting overlap between theories
and the many opportunities they offer for fruitful
exchange might give rise to theoretical silos and episte-
mic barriers, rather than facilitating new insights into
PA. In contrast, revisiting theories where they are used in
the practice of theorizing is likely to reveal a rugged theo-
retical landscape. A bottom-up approach, departing from
the micro-decisions that PA scholars make when they
select and apply theories in their daily work, regardless of
whether these theories originated in PA or in any other
field, will draw this more chaotic picture. A part of the wil-
derness in PA scholarship is the notion of theory itself,
given its various meanings in the literature (Abend, 2008).
Reviewing PA theories more comprehensively and
integratively than before, and doing so bottom-up rather
than top-down, adds value because the process fosters a
reflexive mode of theorizing. Holding the mirror up to
theorists generates awareness of the many alternatives
that any single theory has and directs attention to the
interdependencies between theories. Reflexivity in theo-
rizing also helps researchers to acknowledge the limita-
tions that arise from the situated nature of human
knowledge production. Just like the phenomenon of PA
itself, theorizing about this phenomenon is deeply
embedded in the social world and cannot be detached
from the social context in which it occurs (Carboni
et al., 2019; Riccucci, 2010). Reflexive practices reveal the
contextual conditions under which theories have been
built and thus reflect on the original theorizing process
(Alvesson et al., 2008; Shepherd & Suddaby, 2017). From
this perspective, the questions of when, where, by whom,
and how a theory has been developed and applied are
relevant to its scope and consequences. Reflections on
such boundary conditions may bring the range of theo-
ries into question but also point to where theoretical
reimagination and rejuvenation are possible and
The purpose of this article is to facilitate reflexive the-
orizing in PA through a systematic review of the theories
that are used in the field, of the interdependencies
between these theories, as well as of their situatedness in
scholarly and practical contexts. Therefore, we ask: What
theories do PA scholars use in their work? How do these the-
ories relate to each other and merge into one body of theo-
rizing? How are they embedded into contexts that may
affect theorizing? We pursue these research questions
using advanced methods of literature reviewing, combin-
ing bibliometric methods with natural language proces-
sing (NLP). Rather than reflecting our own top-down
choice of theories, this review detects the field’s theoreti-
cal topography as collectively, yet not consciously,
shaped by all scholars who have contributed to the body
of PA literature in the past two decades. Through this
large-scale bottom-up approach, our review provides
broad coverage of theories and thus lives up to the field’s
theoretical plurality that has often been acknowledged
(e.g., Emerson, 2022; Frederickson et al., 2015). Further,
our methods do not risk overestimating the separation
and differences between theories because they also
reveal how scholars repeatedly combine theories in their
research. Patterns of interdependencies also emerge
through the embeddedness of theories in similar disci-
plinary, methodological, geographical, demographic, soci-
etal, and practical contexts. Putting theories into these
contexts encourages reflexive thinking about potential
sources of contingencies in contemporary theorizing
about PA.
In the next section, we limit the outline of data and
methods to what is indispensable for the reader’s under-
standing of our approach, which can best be described as
“NLP-enhanced bibliometrics”(Atanassova et al., 2019).
We present the more detailed technical information
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