The wrinkly beauty of self-acceptance.

PositionMiddle Age

In a culture that values super-model-Barbie-doll-celebrity-of-the-moment ideals, how does a woman cope with a round belly, gray hair, and flabby arms? Mayo Clinic Women's HealthSource looks at American cultural pressure on youthful appearance and offers ways to accept the changes of aging--wrinkles and all.

At any age, those bad moments in front of the mirror can seep into a woman's psyche, leading to low self-esteem, emotional distress, anxiety, depression, and eating disorders. The inevitable alterations of aging lead to an entirely new set of challenges. The changes, from wrinkles to weight gain, are normal and natural--but, in the U.S., they often are seen as disastrous.

Accepting the changes that come with an aging body creates a solid foundation of self-esteem and contentment. Consider these ways to develop the beauty of self-acceptance:

Remember that self-worth is more than appearance. Seeing oneself as a whole person, rather than a collection of parts that needs improvement, can boost self-worth. Consider the people you admire most: Are their bodies perfect? Does it matter?

Emphasize good health. Regular exercise and healthy eating promote physical and emotional well-being.

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