The whine of victimhood.

AuthorEmord, Jonathan W.

FROM THE COLONIAL ERA until at least the end of World War I and the rise of progressivism, the U.S. was populated almost universally by rugged individualists who fundamentally believed in being industrious, achieving success by benefiting others through one's industry, and saving one's earnings in the hopes not only of bettering one's own life but the lives of future generations of Americans. In stark contrast to those who gave birth to, and defended with their lives, American liberty and free enterprise are the youthful masses of protesters and supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders (D.-Vt.), Black Lives Matter, and the new Black Panthers. Many youthful and impatient Americans--among the loudest in their complaints against the rest of humanity--think they are entitled to have their earthly wants, needs, and interests paid for by others and express disdain, indeed revulsion, at all whose labors have resulted in wealth or power.

We can find these souls who view themselves as entitled without the need for work in all sorts of positions--from students at Ivy League schools who decry free speech unless it is in support of their ideological preferences to Black Lives Matter protesters who condemn those in government and industry as "white supremacists" and demand redistribution of their income to Black America

Whether the entitled come in the form of students upset about speech they do not like who insist on censorship, faculty resignations, and more "safe spaces" on campus or protesters who demand redistribution of income and an exception from the criminal laws, all share one thing in common: they want something for nothing. They want the most-productive and highest-earning elements of society to be forced to finance the least-productive and lowest-earning elements of society and, more particularly, to satisfy their wants and needs now. They offer nothing in return. Indeed, they are indignant at the notion that they might be required to work and save in exchange for wealth or that they might be asked to listen patiently with maturity or humility to a view they do not share. They want ownership, operation, and control without experience, industry, or self-improvement. Theirs is a world of temper tantrums and consternation at what they do not have as opposed to intelligent reflection and diligent pursuit of dreams.

They have learned early in life that loud complaints--if maintained in apparent earnest--cause all manner of folks to show concern and...

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