The United States v. Adam Gadahn: A Case for Treason

AuthorDouglas A. Kash
PositionB.A., M.S., J.D.
“[T]here is no crime whi ch can more excite and agitate the
passions of men t han treason . . . .”
— Chief Justice J ohn Marshall1
In October 2006, a federal grand jury from the Central Distri ct of
California indicted Adam Gadahn for treason.2 This m arked the first time
“since th e World War II era” t hat an American was ch arged with treason.3
In fact, the United States h as only brought charg es of treason
approximately thirty times s ince the birth of the nation.4 According to the
indictment, Gadahn “kno wingly adh ered to an enemy of th e United States,
namely, al-Qaeda, an d gave al-Qaeda aid and comfort, with in the United
States and elsewhere, with intent to betray the United States.”5 If
convicted Gadah n could be sentenced to death, or he could be s entenced to
Copyright © 2008, Dougla s A. Kash.
1 Douglas A. Kash, B .A., M.S., J.D., serves as a S enior Attorney with the Drug
Enforcement Administration, Office of C hief Coun sel, U.S. Department of Justice. Mr.
Kash’s duti es include repre senting the Un ited States in actions filed by confidential
+ As a ma tter of policy, th e Drug Enforcement Administration discla ims responsibility
for any p rivate publication or statement by any of its employees. T he views expressed
herein are the author's alone and do no t necessarily represent the views of the United St ates
Department of Justice, the Drug Enforcement Administration or any officer or entity of the
United States Government.
1 Ex parte Bollman, 8 U.S. (4 C ranch) 75, 125 (1807).
2 First Superseding Indictment at 3–8, United States v. Ada m Gadahn, No. SA CR 05-
254( A) (C .D. C al. O ct. 1 1, 2 006), availa ble at h ttp://www .usdoj.go v/opa/do cuments/
3 Press Release, U.S. Dep’t of Justice, U.S. Ci tizen Indicted on Treason, Material
Support Ch arges for Providin g Aid and Comfort to al Qaeda (Oct. 11, 20 06), available at a/pr/2006/October/06_nsd_695.html.
4 Dan Egg en & K aren DeYoung, U.S. Support er of Al-Qa eda is Indicted on Treason
Charge, WASH. POST, Oct. 12, 2006, at A3.
5 First Superseding Indictment , supra note 2, at 3.
at least five ye ars in prison and fined at leas t ten thousand dollars.6 If
sentenced to the latter, he would also “be incapable of holding any office
under the United Stat es.”7 Gadahn also fa ces additional charges of
providing material support to a designated terrorist organization,8 which
can add fifteen yea rs in prison to hi s sentence if he is convicted.9
Adam Y ahiye Gadah n, also known as Azzam al -Amriki or Azzam the
American,10 was raised on a goat farm in Southern California.11 Alt hough
his famil y’s lineag e includes Jews,12 his father adhered to atheism until he
converted to Christianity.13 In his late teen s, Gadahn moved in with hi s
grandparents where he left the world of zealous Ch ristian evangelists and
heavy metal rock music and found Is lam o n t he Internet.14 In November
1995, he began the formal conversion pro cess at a mos que with an Imam.15
Gadahn p rayed fiv e times each day and beg an associat ing with a group o f
young worshippers who were repo rtedly followers of, if not associat ed
with, al- Qaeda.16 Gadahn soon b egan working fo r “Charity Without
Borders,” which purpo rtedly recycled motor oil using public funds but
actually funneled th e money to al-Q aeda.17
In 1998, Gadahn moved to Pakistan and married an Afghan woman.18
While it is unclear when, eventually, Gadahn began working directly with
6 18 U.S.C. § 2381 (2000).
7 Id.
8 First Superseding Indictment , supra note 2, at 9.
9 18 U.S.C. § 2339B(a)(1) (Su pp. V 2005).
10 Press Release, U.S. Dep’t of Jus tice, supra note 3.
11 Amy Argetsinger, Muslim Teen Made Conversion to Fury, WASH. PO ST, December 2,
2004, at A3.
12 Id.
13 Raffi Khatchadourian, Azzam the American : The Making of an Al Qaeda
Homegrown, NEW YORKER, Jan. 22, 2 007, at 50, 52.
14 Id. at 52–56.
15 Id. at 56. Gadah n later assaulted one o f the witnesses to his Shahada, an Arabic term
meaning “bearing witness.” Id. at 56, 59, 61.
1160604811.pdf (last visited S ept. 29, 2008).
17 Id.
18 Id. at 3.

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