The ultimate squanderer: hopeless and changeless--how Barack Obama wasted both terms of his historic presidency.

AuthorBernstein, Josh
PositionPolitical Landscape

BARACK OBAMA was elected president of the U.S. on a promise of hope and change--hope for a more prosperous and united America. Along with his historic election came an even more historic opportunity: the ability to help heal race relations once and for all in this country. However, that opportunity never was taken advantage of. Instead of trying to unite Americans of every color, creed, and socioeconomic status, the President instead chose to use identity politics and class warfare to divide this nation intentionally and systematically.

Once thing is for certain: Pres. Obama is not stupid. He is well on his way to accomplishing exactly what he said he would do: fundamentally transforming the nation. His complete and utter disdain for the U.S., its Constitution, and anything having to do with Christian-Judeo values is quite remarkable. The Constitution to a power-hungry leftist like Obama is nothing more than a speed bump in the road, and who better to drive around those speed bumps than a Constitutional scholar?

The Democrats were very smart. They knew what most of the people in this country did not--that the U.S. was ready to elect its first minority president. The Dems understood that, if they could find someone who could appeal to both whites and blacks, with the help of the liberal media they could get that person over the finish line. That someone turned out to be a half-black, half-white Illinois senator a majority of citizens never had even heard of. The Left introduced Obama to the country as a living savior. They put him way up on a pedestal. He became a mystifying, mesmerizing, public figure. His loyal fans were very cult-like and were willing to do just about anything for their new leader.

Obama ran on a platform of divide. He said he would "tax the rich" and make them "pay their fair share." Then he promised free health care, free education, free this, free that. He was the modern-day version of Robin Hood--but, like all fairy tales, eventually you have to wake up and realize they are not real. What the President did not tell voters is that nothing in life is free, especially if it comes from the government. When you allow your government to provide for you, there always are strings attached--usually a loss of liberty.

After his selection--let's face it, there was no way the Left and the media were not going to make this historic presidency a reality-U.S. race relations showed real promise. His election gave most of the nation...

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