The Top 49ers Choose Growth.

All of the data for the Top 49ers is submitted through an annual survey. As part of our surveying process, each year we ask the responding companies to answer a question related to our theme, which this year is "Choose Adventure!" The question we asked for 2022 is:

As your organization looks at the path forward, what opportunities are you excited about? What "adventure" is your business poised to embark on?

It shouldn't be a surprise that an overwhelming theme among the responses is growth--even for the company dominating the top of the list. According to Arctic Slope Regional Corporation (ASRC). which has led the Top 49ers for twenty-plus years, "Despite the pause taken in 2020 and 2021 in response to COVID-19. the Corporation invested $115.3 million in capital projects and smaller strategic acquisitions. The Corporation plans to pursue additional acquisitive growth in the future. ASRC remains committed to delivering value to its shareholders and is focused on the long-term health of the Corporation. To that end, the Corporation will strive to thoughtfully grow and diversify its operations to support sustainable dividend increases." In addition to recognition on our own ranked list, in 2021 ASRC is ranked 131 on Forbes' annual list of the largest private US companies.

Ukpeagvik Inupiat Corporation (UIC) hit a milestone this year, as 2021 marked the first time its revenue exceeded $700 million. According to the village corporation, "We will continue with this growth trend and expect UlC's revenue to cross the $1 billion mark by 2025, or earlier." Urban corporation Goldbelt also had a stellar year of growth, almost doubling its revenue year over year, and it sees more in the future: "Goldbelt Incorporated will continue to build upon its financial success in federal contracting for the betterment of shareholders and the community of Juneau."

Expansion and Acquisitions

Other Top 49ers are growing specific business lines, looking at acquisitions, or expanding their physical footprint. Doyon, Limited is "is excited about expanding our tourism business pillar," and retailer Three Bears Alaska is adding stores throughout the state. It says, "Growing our company has naturally meant opening more and more stores in Alaska. And we look forward to continuing to grow and scale Three Bears--including doing all the 'behind the scenes' work--in order to bring Three Bears stores to many more communities throughout Alaska. Sterling is opening very soon, and...

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