The Political Reference Almanac, 1999-2000.

AuthorWunnicke, Pat

The Political Reference Almanac, 1999-2000 edition, compiled by Anthony Quain. Key-note Publishing Co., Arlington, Va., 1999. 912 pages, 645 photographs, softcover only, $44.95. (703) 379-7580.

This compilation calls itself "the most comprehensive political reference annual ever assembled," and indeed it may be. It comprises over 900 pages of statistics, profiles and political history not only in the United States but around the world.

Want the annual per capita income of Bhutan? The president of Eritrea? The inflation rate in Madagascar? Unemployment in Mozambique? Look no further.

All the world's countries are here--not only the nations, but the territories and the "doubtful status" areas like the Palestinian authority and the West Bank.

All the 42 presidents of the United States are here with bios; all the members of Congress are here with pictures and profiles of their individual districts and their committee assignments. Here are all the federal executive departments and the independent executive agencies. The judicial branch section offers the Supreme Court (with the titles of all the cases heard in 1998) and a page of information about each of the justices; all the circuit courts of appeals; and...

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