The Nader debate.

PositionLetters to the Editor - Letter to the editor

Matthew Rothschild is right: It's time to quit blaming Ralph Nader for the Democrats losing the 2000 Presidential election ("Don't Worry About Ralph," Editor's Note, April issue). Such blame not only obscures the fact that corrupt Republicans stole the election; it also disregards Nader's greatest failing: His lackluster, sanctimonious campaign debilitated the Green Party.

America desperately needs at least two parties, not just one pro-corporate party with two factions, the Republicans and the pro-choice Republicans (often called Democrats). As we see in the current campaign, the pro-choice Presidential contenders are arguing about how to reward the insurance and finance industries that caused our problems instead of offering real solutions.

We can't have robust policy debate without a party that sees something other than corporate health as its core concern. We need a Green Party, Labor Party, Progressive Party, or Bull Moose Party--perhaps even a true Democratic Party.

I hasten to add that Nader is wrong about the current system. The pro-choice Republicans are much better than the traditional Republicans. There is a dime's worth of difference, but not a dollar's.

M. Mark Miller

Bozeman, Montana


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