The Missionary's Positions.

AuthorLynch, Michael W.
PositionNew legislator Jeff Flake discusses his ideas - Brief Article

After graduating from high school, Jeff Flake embarked on a Mormon mission to Zimbabwe and South Africa. The 48-year-old Republican will spend the next two years on a different sort of mission: He'll replace Rep. Matt Salmon, who voluntarily term-limited himself out of a job, as the U.S. congressman from Arizona's 1st district (see "Exit Interviews," October). Flake, the former head of Arizona's Goldwater Institute, has himself pledged to serve no more than three terms. He is also the most articulate and outspoken champion of smaller government in his freshman class. As he enters Congress in January, his goal is "to effectively advance the principles of limited government, economic freedom, and individual responsibility" and his biggest fear is that the "federal government will continue to expand and erode individual freedom." Flake talked with Washington Editor Michael W. Lynch in late November.

Q: Why did you run for Congress?

A: During my seven years at the Goldwater Institute, I enjoyed immensely the ability to gripe, complain, and moan about public policy and have none of the accountability that comes with elected office. I felt it was time to stand up and see what I could do about it.

Q: You're entering a Congress that's embarked on a low-profile spending spree and that is now pretty evenly split along party lines. How do you plan to implement your campaign mantra that...

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