The Mindsets of Innovators and Attorneys and other Cautionary Notes

AuthorDonald S. Rimai
ProfessionRecently retired from Eastman Kodak where he worked as a researcher and intellectual property manager in digital printing and adhesion science
Mankind possesses the gi of being able to communicate both verbally
and in writing. However, there are occasions when one must wonder how
encompassing that gi is. is is certainly true when there are interactions
between inventors, attorneys, and, along the way, patent examiners.*
During his career, the author has had many opportunities to work with
members of both the technical and legal communities. e people in both
were world class and dedicated to achieving excellent results. e scientists,
engineers, and technicians were very creative, knowledgeable in their elds,
* A patent examiner is not usually an attorney. Rather, an examiner is generally an indi-
vidual who possesses a technical background and has been trained to determine whether
or not a patent application fullls the requirements of patentability. e examiner generally
reports to a primary examiner, who must also sign o on all oce actions.
e Mindsets of Innovators and
Attorneys and other Cautionary

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