The Last Remaining Corporate Taboo?

For all the hype about women's strides in corporate America, the fact remains that the glass ceiling still exists for many. Issues that are swept under the carpet are often the main culprits. Take menopause, for instance.

The amount of baby boomers going through this passage is increasing at the rate of about 2,000,000 a year. Ironically, a considerable number of women executives will be experiencing this life-altering change at the peak of their careers. The statistics are indicative: 3,500 women enter menopause daily; 4,000,000 baby boomers will reach menopause by year's end; and menopause can start as early as age 35 and last for decades. Given the often-debilitating symptoms of menopause, corporate America needs to begin to ask itself how this problem is affecting the productivity of workers

Women, especially those working under stressful conditions, sometimes need help overcoming the symptoms that arise during menopause. Ranny...

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