The Initial Client Interview

AuthorRebecca A. Taylor
The Initial Client
Chapter 6
Your client may be a longtime friend or acquaintance, or someone
who just walked through your door for the first time. The world of
foreclosure defense may be completely new to both of you. How
do you begin to solve the problem that has already cost millions of
Americans their homes? Your conversation might begin with a ques-
tion that attorneys may ask their clients in any number of settings:
What do you want to achieve? The answer from your client will be
essential to the strategy you develop (a sample client intake form is
included in the list of forms available at
sure). The strategy for a foreclosure case may be less obvious than
in other fields of law. In a personal injury suit, the plaintiff gener-
ally wants to recover the maximum amount of damages possible.
In a criminal defense action, the defendant wants to expel or mini-
mize the charges and possible penalties. But in a foreclosure situa-
tion, whether actual or potential, your strategy will be determined
by your client’s goals for the property.
What Are Your Client’s Goals?
Your client has just realized he will not be able to afford the mort-
gage payments. Maybe he has just lost his job, or there has been
another financial emergency. He may be current now but knows he
is on the brink of a late or missed payment. Many clients will come

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