The indispensible changing table.

PositionWHAT'S NEW? Bringing Up Baby - Brief Article - Product/Service Evaluation

When it comes to decorating a nursery, there are a few pieces of furniture we simply can't live without. One is a changing table. We've never understood people who drag their diapers and wipes all around the house and change the baby wherever he or she happens to be--on the floor, sofa, bed, or even the dining room table. To put it delicately, let's just say that mishaps can be messy.

A much better choice is the Sleigh Dressing Table from Delta Enterprise Corp., New York. With two roomy shelves for storage, we're able to keep everything at our fingertips to make dressing and diaper changes a snap. With all our lotions, cotton balls, and brushes in place, it's...

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