The Increasing Convex Order and the Trade–off of Size for Risk

Date01 September 2017
AuthorLiqun Liu,Jack Meyer
Published date01 September 2017
© 2015 The Journal of Risk and Insurance. Vol. 84, No. 3, 881–897 (2017).
DOI: 10.1111/jori.12132
Liqun Liu
Jack Meyer
One random variable is larger than another in the increasing convex order if
that random variable is preferred or indifferent to the other by all decision
makers with increasing and convex utility functions. Decision makers in this
set prefer larger random variables and are risk loving. When a decision
maker whose utility function is increasing and concave is indifferent
between such a pair of random variables, a trade-off of size for risk is
revealed, and this information can be used to make comparative static
predictions concerning the choices of other decision makers. Specifically, the
choices of all those who are strongly more (or less) risk averse than the
reference decision maker can be predicted. Thus, the increasing convex
order, together with Ross’s (1981) definition of strongly more risk averse, can
provide additional comparative static findings in a variety of decision
problems. The analysis here discusses the decisions to self-protect and to
purchase insurance.
Building decision models that involve trade-offs is a distinguishing feature of
economic analysis.
In models with randomness, the most important of these trade-
offs involves choosing between a larger and riskier random variable and a smaller
and less risky one. Mean–variance (M–V) decision models represent this trade-off in a
very simple and direct fashion. M–V models measure size by the mean mand risk by
Liqun Liu is at the Private Enterprise Research Center, Texas A&M University, College Station,
TX 77843. Liu can be contacted via e-mail: Jack Meyer is at the Department of
Economics, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824. Meyer can be contacted via
e-mail: We would like to thank Henry Chiu, Louis Eeckhoudt, Stephen Ross,
and Harris Schlesinger for helpful comments and suggestions with special thanks to Michel
Denuit for pointing out the connection to the mathematical statistics literature. All remaining
errors are our own.
Greg Mankiw, in his Principles of Economics textbook, lists as Principle 1: “People Face Trade-
the standard deviation s, and use a utility function V(s,m) to represent a decision
maker’s willingness to trade off size for risk.
In expected utility (EU) decision models, representing the size for risk trade-off is a
much more complex problem. There is no agreed-upon measure of the size of a
random variable, nor is there an agreed-upon measure of the magnitude of risk.
First-degree stochastic dominance (FSD) provides an agreed-upon partial order for
size, and the Rothschild and Stiglitz (1970) (R–S) definition of an increase in risk
provides a partial order for risk, but since neither provides a measure, defining the
trade-off of size for risk is still not simple.
This article shows that the increasing convex order from the mathematical statistics
literature can be used to frame such trade-offs. Random variable
yis said to be larger
than another random variable
xin the increasing convex order if
yis preferred or
indifferent to
xby all decision makers with increasing and convex utility functions.
Larger in the increasing convex order can also be characterized in a number of other
ways. First,
yis larger in the increasing convex order than
xif the change from
can be decomposed into a change becoming larger (in the FSD sense) and a change
becoming riskier (in the R–S sense). Therefore, the choice between
larger in the increasing convex order than
xinvolves trading off size for risk for a non-
satiated and risk averse decision maker. Second, larger in the increasing convex order
can also be characterized by a stochastic dominance like inequality that specifies a
necessary and sufficient condition on cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) of
yto be larger than
xin the increasing convex order. The decision models
examined here show how this CDF characterization can be a fundamental tool for
doing comparative static analysis.
This article does two main things: it reviews the literature presenting the theory, and it
provides applications of the theory. First, in the section “Literature Review: Several
Characterizations of the Increasing Convex Order,” the increasing convex order,
Ross’s strongly more risk averse order, and the theory indicating how these two
orders can be combined to facilitate comparative statics analysis are reviewed. The
increasing convex order has been used by others doing economic analysis, but much
of this work does not refer to the mathematical statistics literature and appears to be
unaware of the full range of characterizations of the increasing convex order that are
available. In particular, the CDF-based characterization of the increasing convex
order that is emphasized here has not been used before for economic analysis. The
terminology employed by mathematical statisticians is different from that used in
economics, but is easily translated into discussion that fits the more familiar stochastic
dominance framework.
The section “Trading Off Size for Risk When Making Decisions” uses four decision
models to illustrate how the increasing convex order and Ross’s strongly more risk
averse order can be used together to present new comparative static statements. The
section begins with the decision to self-protect. With self-protection, the least
Aumann and Serrano (2008) do provide a measure for risk, but their measure appears to
combine both the elements of size and risk.

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