The Black Eye of Hurricane Katrina's Post Jim Crow Syndrome is a Basic Human Dignity Challenge for America

AuthorL. Darnell Weeden
PositionAssociate Dean and Roberson King Professor, Thurgood Marshall School of Law, Texas Southern University
When Hurricane Katrina landed in New Orleans on its path of
destruction in the early morning hours of August 29, 2005,1 I immediately
assumed that it was just another major natural disaster, and that public
officials had an ad equate plan to hel p anyone who n eeded help in Ne w
Orleans and the Gulf Coast region. My assumption was that the
government’s recovery plans would be race-neutral, similar to the
destructive path of Katrina, and that the government’s recovery efforts
would soon help my fellow Ameri cans in need in Alabama, Louisian a, and
Mississippi. I had every reason to believe that America, as the sel f-
proclaimed only remaining superp ower i n the world,2 was unquestionably
prepared to help any group of Americans su ffering from a major natural
disaster on American soil, r egardless o f their race. However, when the
television pictures of Katrina’s aftermath showed that most of thos e left
behind in New Orleans were black and probably poor as well,3 I began to
wonder whether ra ce was a substantial factor in the lack of relief for
Katrina surv ivors. The race card entered into my African-American frame
of mind when needed govern mental s ervices for food , water , cloth ing and
shelter were not provi ded to a predominan tly b lack, econo mically
Copyright © 2008, L. Darn ell Weeden.
* Associate Dean and Roberson King Professor, Thurgood Marshall School of Law,
Texas Southe rn University; B .A., J.D., Univ ersity of Mi ssissippi. I extend a special word
of thanks to my wife and my children for their support. I would li ke to thank my research
assistants Monique A lexander and Nykela Johnson, both of the class of 2008 as well as
Andreaus Boise-Toure, C areer Services Coordinator, all of Thurgood Marshall Schoo l of
Law for their comments on earlier drafts of this article.
1 S. REP. NO. 109-322, at 21 (200 6).
2 See, e.g., Harold P. Southe rland, The Ca se for Am erican History in the Law-School
Curriculum, 29 W. NEW. ENG. L. REV. 661, 72 0 (2007).
CONF RO NTI NG CON CEN TRA TE D POV ER TY ACRO SS AMER IC A 2 (O ct. 20 05) , etro/pubs/20051012_Concentratedpover ty.pdf.
disadvantaged group in New Orleans during t he initial response to Katri na
survivors.4 Initially, as Hurricane Katrina approached New Orleans and
the Gulf region, my African-American mindset did not eng age in any
thoughts about the racial impact of Kat rina. I did not think of race becaus e
“natural disasters as a rule do not discriminate on the basis of race, color,
gender, o r wealth, an d Katri na, i n th is regard , was no different from most
natural disasters.”5 Although Katrina did not discrimi nate on the basis of
race, the television pictures info rmed my African-American state of mind
that the harmful and negative impact of Katrina would fall
disproportion ably on black people in New Orleans – primarily because
they were disprop ortionately poo r.
This article discusses in Part II how the images of Katrina’s failed
rescue efforts in New Orleans had a Jim Crow Syndr ome effect on many
African Americans, and conclu des that de facto Jim Crow racial
stereotyping was probab ly very active in Katri na’s afterm ath i n New
Orleans. Part III of this article asks wheth er the African-American Jim
Crow media effect in Katrina was based on ste reotypical p ublic percept ion
rather than facts. In Part IV, the article examines whether e conomic
segregation in Ameri ca has created a disadvantaged Jim Crow att itude
toward the poor an d other survivo rs.
4 Sherrie Armstrong Tomlinson, Note, No New Orleanians Left Behind: A n
Examination of the D isparate Impa ct of Hurricane Katrina on Minorities, 38 CONN. L.
REV. 1153, 116768 (2006).
5 Maria Isabel Medina, Con fronting the Rights Deficit at Home: Is th e Nation Prepared
in the Afterma th of Katrina? Co nfronting the Myth of Efficiency, 43 CAL. W. L. REV. 9, 11
(2006). Medina drafted h er remarks primarily as a person who was affected by Katrina:
To an extent, I am going to take off my law professor hat, bu t only to an
extent, because I must make cle ar at the outset that I am not th e typical
Katrina refugee—I am one of those with resources that mo st persons
affected by Katrina lacked. I am also one of those whose house, fo r the
most part, survived.
Id. at 9.

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