The Ethics of App‐Assisted Family Mediation

Published date01 August 2016
Date01 August 2016
C R Q, vol. 34, no. 1, Fall 2016 31
© 2016 Association for Confl ict Resolution and Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Published online in Wiley Online Library ( • DOI: 10.1002/crq.21168
The Ethics of App-Assisted Family Mediation
Allan E. Barsky
is article explores ethical issues that mediators should consider when
selecting and using digital programs (software/apps) as part of the medi-
ation process. In particular, mediators should address ethical concerns
related to duty of care, informed consent, privacy and confi dentiality,
boundaries, neutrality and fairness, and cross-border mediation.
F amily mediators use a broad range of electronic devices in the course
of practice: computers, tablets, smartphones, watches, and so on. In
fact, some electronic devices have become so ubiquitous that mediators
use them without giving much thought to the actual apps they are relying
on. Apps refer to computer software or digital programs that allow users to
operate electronic devices for particular functions (e.g., communication,
documentation, calculations, confl ict assessment, billing, and data man-
is article begins with a brief description of a range of apps that medi-
ators use in practice.  e balance of the article then explores ethical con-
siderations that mediators should address when selecting or using specifi c
apps. In particular, mediators should consider how the use of apps relates
to duty of care, informed consent, privacy and confi dentiality, boundaries,
neutrality and fairness, and cross-border mediation (Association of Social
Work Boards 2015 ; Barsky in press ).
e particular apps mentioned in this article provide examples to illus-
trate how apps may be used to assist mediation.  e fact that a particular
app is mentioned (or omitted) should not be taken as endorsement (or
rejection) of that app. Apps are constantly evolving, so it is important to
consider the most recent versions when appraising their use.

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