The Effect of Health and Economic Costs on Governments’ Policy Responses to COVID‐19 Crisis under Incomplete Information

Published date01 November 2021
AuthorGermà Bel,Óscar Gasulla,Ferran A. Mazaira‐Font
Date01 November 2021
Research Article
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 1131
Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has become an unprecedented health, economic, and social crisis. The present
study has built a theoretical model and used it to develop an empirical strategy, analyzing the drivers of policy-
response agility during the outbreak. Our empirical results show that national policy responses were delayed, both by
government expectations of the healthcare system capacity and by expectations that any hard measures used to manage
the crisis would entail severe economic costs. With decision-making based on incomplete information, the agility of
national policy responses increased as knowledge increased and uncertainty decreased in relation to the epidemic’s
evolution and the policy responses of other countries.
Evidence for Practice
Governments had incomplete information when they responded to COVID-19.
Confidence in healthcare-system capacity and expected costs delayed their responses.
Federal countries were more agile than unitary countries in developing policy responses.
Healthcare-system capacity does not fully guarantee epidemic management.
The coronavirus outbreak has produced an
unprecedented health, economic, and social
crisis, developing into a transboundary crisis,
as characterized in the study by Boin (2019). Global
leaders, including Antonio Guterres (Secretary
General of United Nations) and Angela Merkel
(Chancellor of Germany), have compared its impact
to World War II.
In a crisis, authorities must engage in coherent
analysis and search for proper responses, despite
time limitations, uncertainty, and intense
pressure (Boin et al. 2005); this has been the case
during the COVID-19 crisis (Van Dooren and
Noordegraaf 2020). The rapid spread of the pandemic
has forced countries to take unprecedented measures.
More than 90 percent of the world’s population lives
in countries that have placed restrictions on people
arriving from other countries. Many of these countries
have closed their borders completely to noncitizens
and nonresidents, according to the Pew Research
Center (see Connor 2020). Quarantines, social
distancing, and isolating infected populations can
contain the epidemic.
There is no clear consensus on the specific impact
of each measure used to mitigate propagation (see
Anderson et al. 2020; Koo et al. 2020). At present,
the literature includes few policy analyses related to
COVID-19. Among these, Moon (2020) has analyzed
the policy response in Korea; Huang (2020) has
shown that collaborative governance (cooperation
between different levels of government and non-
governmental organizations) was a key factor in
Taiwan’s fight against COVID-19; and Gupta
et al. (2020) have analyzed behavioral responses
to policies mandated in the United States. Any
analysis of COVID-19 policy is restricted, given the
provisional character and limitations of the existing
data (Stock 2020).
Despite this, there is a widespread consensus among
researchers and international organizations that early
prevention and response are critical (Grasselli, Pesenti,
and Cecconi 2020), especially given the acute effect of
pandemics on disadvantaged sectors of the population
(Cénat et al. 2020; Deslatte, Hatch, and Stokan 2020;
Furceri and Ostry 2020; Kapiriri and Ross 2020;
Menifield, Charles, and Clark 2020; Scott, Crawford-
Browne, and Sanders 2016).
The available information allows us to analyze why
some national policy responses have been more agile
than others. Within the domain of policy decision-
making and implementation, agility is defined
as “speed in responding to variety and change”
(Gong and Janssen 2012, S61). Lai (2018, 459)
defines agility as the “iterative, successive process
Germà Bel
Óscar Gasulla
Ferran A. Mazaira-Font
Universitat de Barcelona
The Effect of Health and Economic Costs on Governments
Policy Responses to COVID-19 Crisis under Incomplete
Ferran A. Mazaira-Font holds a degree
in Mathematics and is a doctoral candidate
in Economics at the Universitat de
Barcelona. He worked as a consultant at
McKinsey&Company and is the Director of
Arcvi, a consulting firm specialized in Big
Data and Advanced Analytics.
Oscar Gasulla holds a bachelor’s degree
in Medicine by Universitat de Barcelona’s
Hospital Clinic faculty. He is currently
working as a physician at Hospital
Universitari de Bellvitge (UB) where he
undergoes a specialization in diagnostic and
interventional radiology.
Germà Bel is a professor of Economics
and Public Policy at Universitat de
Barcelona. Director of the Observatory of
Analysis and Evaluation of Public Policies
at UB (OAP-UB). His research focuses on
government reform, local public services,
transportation, and infrastructure. On these
topics he has published several books
and more than one hundred peer-referred
articles. Editor of
Local Government Studies
Public Administration Review,
Vol. 81, Iss. 6, pp. 1131–1146. © 2021
TheAuthors. Public Administration Review
published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of
American Society for Public Administration.
DOI: 10.1111/puar.13394.
1132 Public Administration Review November | Decembe r 2021
of adjustment and routine-breaking actions.” Agility is related to
policy-response quality (Lai 2018); it is also an aspect of robustness
in policy design (Howlett, Capano, and Ramesh 2018). It has been
a key factor in countries like South Korea, which has dealt with
the COVID-19 crisis successfully (Moon 2020). Agility is thus
a relevant policy issue, as the time dimension is central to crisis
management. The policies that governments have implemented to
deal with COVID-19 have followed distinct national (rather than
consensual international) standards, in line with policy responses to
previous epidemic crises (Baekkeskov 2016; Vallgårda 2007).
This article investigates why some countries took longer to
institute lockdown measures than others. We present a model that
characterizes the drivers of coronavirus reaction time, namely the
number of known diagnosed cases per million people (incidence
rate) when the government approved hard measures (partial or
complete lockdowns). Our base model includes three main factors:
the expected capacity of each health system to deal with the outbreak,
the expected economic costs of hard measures, and the level of
information available to governments forming these expectations.
We extend our analysis to account for differences in governance and
political regimes, emotional beliefs and biases affecting the assessment
of pandemic-related risk, and political survival factors.
We estimate an equation derived from our modeling. Using data
from the OECD and European countries, we find that three main
factors are statistically relevant. First, the government’s expected
capacity to fight the outbreak, measured as total healthcare
expenditure per capita (adjusted for purchasing power parity), is a
factor that delays policy response, accounting for 26.6 percent of
the total delay. The higher a government’s healthcare expenditure,
the more it is likely to believe it can handle the outbreak—hence the
longer delay in responding.
When it comes to preventing economic costs, the more a country
is exposed to globalization and trade, the more (relatively) affected
it will be by hard measures, such as border closures. We use
total trade (% Gross Domestic Product) and the total travel and
tourism contribution to GDP as proxies for the expected cost of
hard measures. Both are highly significant; together, they account
for 37.0 percent of the total predictive power of the model. As
expected, the higher the cost, the slower the reaction.
To represent the level of information, we use the number
of countries that instituted hard measures before a country
experienced her first coronavirus cases. As expected, countries
that experienced their first coronavirus cases when other countries
already had lockdowns in place anticipated their responses. The
level of information is responsible for 19.5 percent of the model’s
explanatory power. The evidence also confirms the relevance of
decision-making processes and types of decision makers. Concretely,
federal states are more agile than unitary states.
In regard to emotional and perception-related factors, proximity
bias—represented by the distance from Wuhan to the capital city of
each country—accounts for 5.9 percent of response agility. Finally,
we extend our analysis by testing several variables related to values,
ideological biases, and the political survival hypothesis, finding no
systematic role for any of these factors.
The rest of the article is organized as follows. First, we outline the
theoretical framework used to model the speed of response during
the COVID-19 outbreak and formulate empirical predictions,
according to our model. Next, we discuss the data and present
empirical results derived from our base equation. We extend the
analysis by considering several additional hypotheses. We then
conduct robustness checks. Finally, we draw our main conclusions
and discuss some policy implications.
Modeling the Decision of the Policy Response to the
We present a theoretical model developing an empirical strategy
that we later follow to analyze the drivers of policy-response
agility. We begin with a basic model, representing a cost–benefit
analysis carried out by a rational, benevolent government, which
cares only about social welfare and has incomplete information
on the pandemic. We then present two extensions. First, we allow
for different types of decision makers (governments and political
systems). Second, we consider the possibility that governments are
(1) not entirely rational and potentially emotionally biased and
(2) not fully benevolent, but driven by self-interest (i.e., stay in
Base Model: Benevolent Government with Incomplete
At the start of the pandemic, a set of natural features, such as the
density of population (Wong and Li 2020), the share of population
above 65 years old and with pre-existing comorbidities (Álvarez-
Mon et al. 2021; Knight et al. 2020), temperature, and humidity
(Mecenas et al. 2020), determine the virus reproductive number
under no contention measures, ρ, and the death rate, d. The
strategies used to fight the outbreak can be modeled as a sequential
decision-making process with incomplete information, where
governments, instead of observing the true parameters involved in
decision-making, achieve only partial estimations. As noted in the
introduction section, even after 7 months we lack clear knowledge
of how the virus is propagated. We do not know how effective the
various mitigation measures are (Stock 2020). Indeed, the very
first response guidelines issued by the WHO in January 2020 were
mainly addressed to communication and clinical management
(WHO 2020a; WHO 2020b), and did not consider specific
recommendations on contention measures, since due to the lack of
information it was not even clear whether the virus was transmitted
between humans.
In every time period, a government can decide to implement either
hard or soft measures to contain the virus. If the government
implements soft measures (SM) at time t (e.g., temperature
control at airports or testing people with symptoms coming from
affected countries), the transmission rate is reduced to ρt = δSρ.
If it implements hard measures, it loses π units of utility (lost
production) but reduces transmission rate to δHρ, with δH < δS < 1.
It is worth highlighting that, according to cross-country estimates
(Hilton and Keeling 2020; Katul et al. 2020), all countries in our
sample, no matter natural determinants, had reproductive numbers
far above 1 (different methodologies lead to estimates ranging from
2 to 6.5), which imply that the pandemic would collapse their
healthcare system unless massive tracking and severe contention
measures were taken.1

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