The definitive list of leadership qualities.

AuthorKristie, James

From Management: It's Not What You Think by Henry Mintzberg, Bruce Ahlstrand, and Joseph Lampel. Copyright 2010 by the authors. Published by AMACOM (

LISTS OF THE QUALITIES of effective managers and leaders abound. They are usually short--who would take dozens of items seriously? For example, in a brochure to promote its EMBA program, entitled "What Makes a Leader?," the University of Toronto Business School answered: "The courage to challenge the status quo. To flourish in a demanding environment. To collaborate for the greater good. To set clear direction in a rapidly changing world. To be fearlessly decisive" (Rot-man School, circa 2005).


The trouble is that these lists are not consistent--they contain all sorts of different characteristics. For example, where is native intelligence on the list above, or being a good listener, or just plain having energy? Surely these are important, too. No problem: they appear on other lists. So if we are to find out what makes a manager truly effective, we shall have to combine all the lists. This, for the sake of a better world, has been done in [the book's] Table 1. It lists the...

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