The commodity super price cycle and real options: Implications for the Greeks of mining firms

Date01 January 2018
Published date01 January 2018
AuthorJosé Guedes
The commodity super price cycle and real options: Implications
for the Greeks of mining firms*
e Guedes
Universidade Cat
olica Portuguesa, Palma
de Cima, 1649-023 Lisbon, Portugal
e Guedes, Universidade Cat
Portuguesa, Palma de Cima, 1649-023
Lisbon, Portugal
The Real Options Approach (ROA) to the management and valuation of mining
firms should impart a distinctive pattern to the time path of the Greeks displayed
by such firms during the recent price super cycle. This paper simulates the delta,
gamma, vega and rho of a gold mining firm holding a portfolio of heterogeneous
mines over the recent gold price cycle, to find out the telltale signs that the ROA
should leave on the trajectories exhibited by such variables during that period.
We show that the ROA and the standard NPV approach to mine management and
valuation predict markedly different trajectories for the Greeks.
G13, G17, G31, D81, Q30
Gold price super cycle, Mine management, Mine valuation, Mining investments, Real options
The last decade has witness a full swing in the price of extractive commodities or a super price cycle, to use the popular
expression adopted by the financial media. Gold, which traded at roughly 1100 USD per ounce in early 2010, rose to a
peak of 1900 USD in March of 2011 after which it steadily declined, reverting to the same price level of 1100 USD per
ounce in July 2015. A similar boom and bust pattern in commodity prices, if anything more extreme, was observed within
the same time period for silver, copper and iron ore.
Such price gyrations offer a unique opportunity to researchers to test the real options approach (ROA) to the valuation
of mining firms. Under such an approach, a mine can be either active or inactive, optimally switching between the two
states depending on the price of the underlying commodity; a mining firm, in turn, consists of a portfolio of mines, each
one with its own option to switch between the two states. Borrowing from the financial options literature, the Greeks of the
mining firm consists of measures of the firms exposure to the exogenous variables driving its value such as the price level
and price volatility of the underlying extractive commodity and the risk-free interest rate.
In this paper we simulate the delta, gamma, vega and rho of a representative gold mining firm throughout the recent
price super cycle. Specifically, we simulate the Greeks generated by mine activation and inactivation decisions based on a
ROA to mine valuation and management and, alternatively, based on the standard NPV rule. Such simulations allow us to
generate theoretical trajectories for the firmsGreeks, yielding testable hypotheses about the performance of the two valua-
tion methods during the gold price cycle which may be empirically evaluated by looking at the actual trajectories displayed
by the Greeks of a sample of gold mining firms over that period. We extend the analysis by subjecting two valuation multi-
ples, Enterprise Value(EV)-EBITDA and Enterprise Value(EV)-Annual gold production, to the same process of analysis,
*We acknowledge the support from FCT Portuguese Foundation of Science and Technology for the project UID/GES/00407/2013.
First published online by Elsevier on behalf of The University of New Orleans, 8 April, 2017,
Received: 28 June 2016
Revised: 29 March 2017
Accepted: 7 April 2017
DOI: 10.1016/j.rfe.2017.04.002
Rev Financ Econ. 2018;36:3346. ©2017 The University of New Orleans

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