The Collection Industry: Debt Buyers versus Original Creditors

AuthorDaniel A Edelman
The Collection Industry:
Debt Buyers versus
Original Creditors
Recent years have seen an increasing number of delinquent debts purchased by “debt buyers.” Debt
buyers purchase the rights to over $100 billion in the face amount of debts each year. They pay pennies
on the dollar, often 3 to 4 percent of face value. If the debts are old, they may pay less than 1 percent of
face value. The debt buyers then try to enforce the debts against the consumer at 100 cents on the dollar,
by correspondence, telephone calls, and collection lawsuits.
Some debt buyers do their own debt collection, some use third-party debt collectors, and some do
both. A majority of the debts are credit cards. Others include second mortgages, mortgage deficiencies,
small loans, automobile paper, telecommunications debts, utility debts, health club debts, bank overdrafts,
and medical debts.
Debt buyers pose a particularly serious problem because they rarely acquire documentation of the
debts, and the information they have is often seriously inaccurate. This has been documented in a series
of Federal Trade Commission (FTC) reports, one of which was based on information subpoenaed from
the largest debt buyers. The agreements for the sale of charged-off debts often provide that the debts are
sold “as is,” without representation or warranty (see “The Structure and Practices of the Debt Buying In-
dustry” (FTC, Jan. 2013), found at
and-practices-debt-buying-industry/debtbuyingreport.pdf; “Repairing a Broken System: Protecting
Consumers in Debt Collection Litigation and Arbitration” (FTC, July 2010), found at https://www.ftc.
report-repairing-broken-system-protecting/debtcollectionreport.pdf; “Collecting Consumer Debts: The
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