The Chat Room Moderator: Creating a Duty for Parents to Control Their Cyberbully

Published date01 January 2015
AuthorJonathan Heller
Date01 January 2015
Jonathan Heller*
The advent of new technologies allowing people to communicate via the Internet has opened many windows to social
interaction. At the same time, it has shifted the focus of child harassment from the playground to the computer. Instead of
face-to-face bullying, children are now being bullied on the Internet, in a phenomenon known as “cyberbullying.
Cyberbullying is widespread,affecting generally twenty-five percent of the child population in the United States. It is also more
dangerous, as a child can be bullied at any time in the supposed comfort of his/her own home. To combat this behavior, many
states have passed measures to ban or criminalize cyberbullying in school-related settings. Nevertheless, children and adoles-
cents continue to cyberbully their peers. Furthermore, most of these statutes do not address cyberbullying that occurs outside
school or from a child’s own home. Thus, this Note proposes that cyberbullying can be better combated byplacing responsi-
bility on parents to reasonably control their children in cases of cyberbullying.Based on the recently enacted ‘Cyber-safety Act”
from the Canadian Province of Nova Scotia and Restatement ofTorts § 316, this Note proposes (1) placing tort responsibility
on parents who know that their child is a cyberbully and do nothing about it and (2) allowing parents to avoid liability when
their child truly cannot be controlled.
Key Points for the Family Court Community
Cyberbullying is a major problem that must be addressed beyond the schoolyard.
The law may provide recourse for the parents of a cyberbullying victim and can hold the parents of a cyberbully
The Nova Scotia Cyber-safety Act is a good model for holding parents liable for their child’s acts because it balances
the desire to end cyberbullying and the understanding that some minors are uncontrollable.
Keywords: Bully;Control;Cyberbully;Minors;Nova Scotia;Parental Liability;Responsibility;andTort.
Sticks and stones may break my bones/ but words will never hurt me.”
–Old Adage
“This can happen to any child in America, and we have to make sure that we watch their Facebooks.1
–Roseanne Gill, mother of alleged bully Katelyn Gill
According to recent statistics, eighty-three percent of middle school students have a cell phone,2
including twelve-year-old Rebecca Ann Sedwick. A seventh grader, Rebecca had a cell phone and
texted her friends.3But, once she and her boyfriend broke up, a new tone of texting arose; a tone of
viciousness and hostility originating from the friends of the ex.4As the barrage of hateful messages
worsened,Rebecca’s mother became concerned.5She contacted the school to curb the bullying.6When
the school failed to stop the harassment, she pulled Rebecca out of school.7When Rebecca began to cut
herself, she took away her cell phone, and brought her to a counselor.8After she improved,Rebecca’s
mother returned the cell phone, and Rebecca went back to school.9However, the harassment begananew
FAMILY COURT REVIEW,Vol. 53 No. 1, January 2015 165–179
© 2015 Association of Familyand Conciliation Cour ts

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