The Best of 'Taxicab Confessions.'

AuthorRothenberg, Robert S.

"Candid Camera" and "America's Funniest Home Videos" have demonstrated that people are good-natured about exposing their foibles to a national audience. Television talk shows amply have shown that there is little compunction over baring even the most unseemly aspects of one's life. Cable is pushing the envelope still further into the R-rated range with its own versions of cinema verite, a prime example being "Taxicab Confessions."

Cruising around New York in a cab rigged with a lipstick-sized camera and hidden microphones, the driver lets passengers spew out a wide range of opinions, ramblings about life and society, and unabashed confessions, primarily sexual. Then, he reveals to them that they have been filmed and recorded and asks them to sign a release allowing the program to telecast the segment. One would be hard put to decide which is more amazing -- to reveal one's...

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