Thank you for completing the ABA Ethics 20/20 Commission survey.


To help shape LMA's advocacy efforts with the ABA Ethics 20/20 Commission, the LMA Ethics 20/20 Task Force conducted a short survey that ended Tuesday, Nov. 16, 2010.


When ABA Immediate Past-President Carolyn Lamm assumed her office in August 2009, she announced the creation of the ABA Commission on Ethics 20/20. The Commission is charged with undertaking a comprehensive review and assessment of the ABA Model Rules and other sources of lawyer regulation in the context of trends in the practice of law, including technology and legal practice developments in other countries. The Commission anticipates its work taking three years, with the third year culminating in recommendations to the ABA House of Delegates for changes in the Model Rules.

Given the scope of the ABA's project, the project's relevance to LMA members, and LMA's existing position statement in support of the ABA Model Rules, LMA's International Board determined that it is appropriate for our association to engage in the process.

To facilitate LMA's engagement and contributions...

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