Thank you, Adolph Reed.

PositionLetter to the editor

Adolph Reed's article "Sitting This One Out" was an excellent analysis of the reasons why the Democratic Party never was, nor ever will be, a true opposition party. One of the best political articles published by The Progressive .

George H. McGlynn

via e-mail

The cynicism expressed by Adolph Reed is certainly justified. However, I intend to vote for whatever Democrat is nominated as the lesser of two evils. Politicians of both parties have been bought and paid for by corporations. Our so-called representatives of the people tend to look out for the interests of the wealthy at the expense of the proletariat who are used as cannon fodder to die in unjustified wars.

James Stempel

Hawthorne, Nevada

The November articles by John Nichols about Dennis Kucinich and Adolph L. Reed Jr. ("Sitting This One Out") filled the empty place in my soul about the state of the Democratic Party. As I watch the debates and read mainstream media coverage of the campaigns, I have found myself frustrated that I have been unable to get truly inspired about the frontrunning candidates. Kucinich is the only one making a true case for a progressive Democratic Party, and he is all but invisible and defeats his own credibility by appearing as a foil on late night television. Meanwhile, watching the other candidates is like eating junk food. Two hours later you are hungry again!

The nation desperately needs a President who speaks to the fundamental goodness of the American people and does not pander to special interests to find 51 percent of the vote. I am opting with Reed; I won't get fooled again.

I was bombarded with pleas to give money and support in 2006 to retake Congress. Now in 2007, the war is still going on, with Democrats docilely caving to Bush. We have yet another Attorney General who serves the President and not the Constitution. It is time to give up on the national party and to work for good local candidates and support the efforts of nongovernmental groups to solve problems.

Michael Bartanen

Fircrest, Washington

Thank you, Adolph Reed! It is such a relief to see some realism in print. I...

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