Test your TQ (Text Quotient).


Can you guess what each of these acronyms stands for in texting speak? The answers appear upside down on the bottom of the page.

  1. IMHO

  2. LOL

  3. BRB

  4. TTYL

  5. HAND

  6. IDK

  7. LMAO

  8. ASAP

  9. CTA

  10. CX

  11. DND

  12. EOD

  13. BTW

  14. TGIF

  15. ILSJ


  16. IMHO in my humble opinion; 2. LOL--laugh out loud; 3. BRB--be right back; 4. TTYL talk to you later; 5. HAND--have a nice day; 6. IDK--I don't know; 7. LMAO--Legal Marketing Association (OK); 8. ASAP--as soon as possible; 9. CTA--call to action; 10. CX--cancelled; 11. DND--do not disturb; 12. EDO--end of day OR end of discussion; 13. BTW by the way; 14. TGIF--thank goodness it's friday; 15. ILSJ--I love Strategies Journal (LOL)

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