Test Your Feminine Hygiene IQ.

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Males can skip this story and move on to the next article. If you are female, though, you should be aware that, while it is important to be familiar with your body in general, it becomes especially so at times when a problem arises, such as feminine itching and infection. The following quiz from the Vagisil Women's Health Center, White Plains, N.Y., can reveal how much you know about feminine hygiene:

  1. The most common vaginal infection is:

    [] A. yeast infection

    [] B. bacterial vaginosis

    [] C. pelvic inflammatory disease.

  2. Which of the following can lead to non-infectious feminine itching/irritation?

    [] A. wearing pantyhose

    [] B. menstruation

    [] C. vaginal dryness

    [] D. all of the above.

  3. The most telling sign that an infection is bacterial vaginosis is:

    [] A. vaginal discharge

    [] B. itching/burning

    [] C. a fish-like odor

    [] D. redness.

  4. You should see your gynecologist when:

    [] A. you have itching/infection for the first time

    [] B. over-the-counter anti-itch medication does not relieve symptoms after several days

    [] C. you have a discharge and a fishy odor

    [] D. All of the above.

  5. A woman's level of estrogen increases/decreases (circle one) as she ages, making the vulvar skin thin, often leading to vaginal dryness and susceptibility to irritation.

  6. All of the following can be found in the external vaginal area except:

    [] A. labia minora

    [] B. vulva

    [] C. areola

    [] D. perineum.

  7. The average healthy vagina has a number of microorganisms, including yeast and bacteria, as part of its normal environment.

    [] True

    [] False

  8. Staying in a wet bathing suit for a prolonged period of time can lead to feminine itching and irritation.

    [] True

    [] False

  9. If you are prone to yeast infections, you should avoid consuming an abundance of sweets, carbohydrates, and alcohol.

    [] True

    [] False

  10. Doctors recommend douching in order to relieve vaginal itching or dryness.

    [] True

    [] False

  11. It is common to suffer from some degree of feminine itching on a regular basis.

    [] True

    [] False

  12. Using the new one- and three-day anti-fungal medications will stop itching from an infection faster than seven-day dosage medications.

    [] True

    [] False


  13. B. Bacterial vaginosis is caused by the overgrowth of organisms normally found in the vagina.

  14. D. Itching can result from reasons other than infection. Wearing tight clothing, such as jeans or pantyhose, monthly hormone fluctuations, and vaginal dryness can cause redness and irritation.

  15. C. All four are symptoms...

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