Termination of Music Copyright Transfers: The Renegotiation Reality

AuthorKenneth Abdo - Timothy Matson - Jacob Abdo
PositionKenneth Abdo is a partner in the Minneapolis office of Fox Rothschild LLP. With more than 30 years serving as legal counsel to artists, creators, and entertainment businesses, he has extensive experience working with developing, established, and legacy artists and their estates. Timothy Matson is a transactional, litigation, and intellectual...
Published in Landslide® magazine, Volume 11, Number 2, a publication of the ABA Section of Intellectual Property Law (ABA-IPL), ©2018 by the American Bar Association. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved.
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November/December 2018 n LANDSLIDE 25
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The Renegotiation Reality
The Renegotiation Reality
By Kenneth Abdo, Timothy Matson, and Jacob Abdo
1978, the actual value of the yet unexploited or to-be-created
works were unknown, and the author had limited leverage in
negotiations. In later years, the true value of works became
clear. There are many stories of unknown—sometimes teen-
aged—artists who signed deals under terms that limited
record and publishing companies’  nancial risk while maxi-
mizing their reward for the duration of copyright (which now
extends 70 years from the life of the author). The termination
right mitigates this inequitable outcome by giving artists an
opportunity to renegotiate their earliest agreements.
This article begins with a review of the statutory provisions
governing the termination right. It then discusses limitations to
the termination right in the context of recent judicial decisions.
It concludes that as more works age into termination, the right
The termination right creates a method for
authors to recapture valuable copyrights
in both musical compositions (songwrit-
ing) and sound recordings (recordings of
performances of compositions).1 Congress
created the termination right to safeguard
authors against “unremunerative transfers . . . resulting in part
from the impossibility of determining a work’s value until it
has been exploited.”2 The termination right is absolute and
inalienable.3 It empowers recording artists and songwriters
to regain control of their works and either renegotiate agree-
ments on more equitable terms or enter into new agreements.
For example, when a promising young musician granted
copyright interests to a record or publishing company in
Image: Getty Images

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