Tennessee Valley Authority


400 West Summit Hill Drive, Knoxville, TN 37902

Phone, 615-632-2101

One Massachusetts Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20444-0001

Phone, 202-898-2999

Chairman Craven Crowell

Directors Johnny H. Hayes

William H. Kennoy

Senior Vice President, Communications Alan Carmichael

Chief Operating Officer J.W. Dickey

Chief Nuclear Officer Oliver D. Kingsley, Jr.

Chief Financial Officer David N. Smith

Chief Administrative Officer Norman A. Zigrossi


The Tennessee Valley Authority conducts a unified program of resource development for the advancement of economic growth in the Tennessee Valley region. The Authority's program of activities includes flood control, navigation development, electric power production, recreation improvement, and forestry and wildlife development.

The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is a wholly owned Government corporation created by act of May 18, 1933 (16 U.S.C. 831-831dd). All functions of the Authority are vested in its three-member Board of Directors, the members of which are appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate. The President designates one member as Chairman.

While TVA's electric power program is required to be financially self-supporting, other programs are financed primarily by appropriations.

A system of dams built by TVA on the Tennessee River and its larger tributaries provides flood regulation on the Tennessee and contributes to regulation of the lower Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. The system maintains a continuous 9-foot-draft channel for navigation for the length of the 650-mile Tennessee River main stream, from Paducah, KY, to Knoxville, TN. The dams harness the power of the rivers to produce electricity. They also provide other benefits, including a major asset for outdoor recreation.

The Authority operates the river control system and provides assistance to State and local governments in reducing local flood problems. It also works with cooperating agencies to encourage full and effective use of the navigable waterway by industry and commerce.

The Authority is the wholesale power supplier for many local municipal and cooperative electric systems serving customers in parts of seven States. It supplies power to several Federal installations and industries whose power requirements are large or unusual. Power to meet these demands is supplied from dams, coal-fired powerplants, nuclear...

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