Ten symptoms not to ignore.

PositionMedical Care

Chest pains, abdominal discomfort, and unexplained bleeding are good reasons to seek immediate medical care. Other reasons are less well-known. The Mayo Clinic Health Letter covers 10 symptoms not to ignore:

Unexplained weight loss. Experiencing a five percent weight loss in a month or a 10% weight loss within six to 12 months could signal a number of different conditions, such as an overactive thyroid, depression, liver disease, cancer, or other noncancerous disorders that interfere with how well your body absorbs nutrients.

Persistent fever. A low-grade fever--over 100.4[degrees]--should be evaluated if it lasts for a week or more. Fever can signal underlying infections. Some cancers and other medical conditions can cause prolonged, persistent fever. A fever accompanied by violent chills or greater than 103[degrees] should be evaluated right away.

Shortness of breath. Gasping for air or wheezing are medical emergencies. Causes vary widely and can include asthma, heart problems, anxiety, panic attacks, or a blood clot in the lungs.

Unexplained changes in bowel habits. This may signal a bacterial or viral infection, inflammatory bowel disease, or colon cancer. Seek care for any of the following: severe diarrhea lasting more than two days; mild diarrhea lasting a week; constipation that lasts for more than two weeks; unexplained urges to have a bowel movement; bloody diarrhea; or black or tarry-colored stool.

Altered mental status. Changes in behavior or thinking may be due to infection, head injury, stroke, low blood sugar, or medications. Immediate medical care is warranted for any of the following: sudden or gradual confused thinking; disorientation; sudden aggressive behavior; or hallucinations in someone who never has had them.

Flashes of light. The sensation of flashing lights may signal the beginning of retinal detachment. For that condition, immediate care is needed to save vision in...

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